Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Messier Marathon '08

James, Crystal, Mike and I along with one of James and Crystals friends from down the hill set up last night to do the marathon, It went from dusk till 5:30 am. Crystal, Mike, their friend and all the kids went to sleep at around 2am while James and I finished the marathon. Out of 110 James and I both got 99 and best of all WE ACED THE VIRGO CLUSTER!! The Messiers that we MISSED are:
M77, M74, & M33 right at dusk so they were too low to locate.
M83 We just couldn't locate.
M55, M75, M15, M2, M72, M73, & M30 were missed because they were low behind the house right at the break of dawn and after an all nighter we just didnt want to move all of the equiptment around to the back yard. The wind died out at about 7pm and the seeing and transparency was good enough to make Galaxies, Nebula, and double stars easy to locate!
So I BEAT my last score of 86 by quite a bit and I think we both have earned a HiDAS Messier Marathon certificate.

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