Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Converting my standard finder to RACI finder

After Picture (above)

Before Picture (above)

Well I decided to change the finderscope configuration on my scope . I replaced the reticle in my Telrad since the last one was damaged by the sun and then I moved it very close above the focuser and decided to use my Celestron 9x50 standard finderscope between the Telrad and the 4 inch Mak. Hmm not enough room to stick your head there. What I need is a RACI right angle correct image finder. Well I start looking and all the ones I like are $90.00 and up so I think hmm why don't I just make one, it can't be that hard. Well I went to Lowes and found a piece of PVC pipe just the right diameter for $3.00. I had an extra correct image 1.25 inch diagonal and the objective of my 9x50 finder. I cut me a piece of pvc 40% shorter than the existing finder and placed the objective lens assembly on the end of the tube and shimmed it with a cork ring which makes it nice and snug. Now I take my diagonal and put my laser collimator in it and now mix some 5 minute epoxy and glue the diagonal on the other end of the tube using the collimator to ensure the diagonals placement. Well now its done!! I place any of my plossl eyepieces in the finder and adjust the eyepiece to achieve focus. The finder has an excellent image and is very nice and very easy to use. Total cost $3.00 and spare parts!

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